Public Administration Answers

pa 15

pub ad ans 1 page 5

pub ad ans 1 page 5

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2 Responses to pa 15

  1. Reema says:

    Hi Anay
    First of all an extremely well written answer. Congrats on tht
    Just wanted to know about the facts mentioned in the answer. How were you able to reproduce so many numbers reports ? Did you maintain a register for the same and revise regularly? Would appreciate your help on this
    -As for the graph was it reproduced from a book or your imagination? If latter then its very well thought out and impressive


    • anaydwivedi says:

      hi reema…thanks
      i relied heavily on newspapers…and almost all the things i have written were there in the newspapers every now and then…
      so if u regularly read the newspapers, it wud b also a sort of revision in itself…and yup, i did keep cuttings and revised them regularly…
      u can make notes the way i have demonstrated for kautilya to consolidate everything u have come across relevant for a given topic…might take some time, but it wud b really beneficial in the long run…

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